Project: Patient Book

Patient Book is an app for managing patient’s information including personal details, appointment details and medical histories, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Contributions to the project.

  • New Feature: Added MedicalHistory to Person Java (#45)
    • What it does: Allows the user to add medical history related information to the patient.
    • Justification: This update will allow the patient’s medical history to be displayed / reflected on the UI.
  • New Feature: Added DeleteAppoint to Commands (#52)
    • What it does: Allows the user to delete appointments for patients.
    • Justification: This update will allow deletion of the patient’s appointment and will by displayed/ reflected on the UI.
  • Code contributed: RepoSense Link

  • Project management
    • Managed releases v1.0 - v4.0 (4 releases) on Github
  • Enhancements to existing features:
    • Enhanced the Logic, LogicManager, Model, ModelManager and Person classes to accommodate the patient’s Medical History.
    • Enhanced AddressBookParser to accommodate AddAppointmentCommandParser and DeleteAppointmentCommandParser.
    • Updated Help URL (#61)
    • Updated DeleteAppointCommand (#65)
    • Fixed issue for clashing appointments and user guide incorrect command formats.
    • Updated usage command for addApp and viewMed (#114)
  • Documentation:
    • User Guide:
      • Added initial (#20)
      • Updated for formatting and added to commands table (#60)
      • Updated for DeleteAppointmentCommand and AddAppointmentCommand (#104)
    • Developer Guide:
      • Updated (#42)
      • Added Add Appointment object diagram (#118)
      • Added Add Medical History activity diagram (#118)
      • Updated some formatting
    • &
      • Updated both documents to reflect the correct links and correct information relating to Patient Book. (#115)
  • Community:
    • Our application was developed using a combination of pair-programming and adhoc coding sessions. During each session lasting between an hour to four or more, all group members sat in a meeting session while coding/ implementing their assigned components. If a concern was raised or support was needed, they shared their screen via the meeting session and everyone participated or assisted to clear the obstacle. Using this method we’ve successfully cleared v1.0 to v4.0 of our project milestones.
  • Tools